New Year's Reflections

Hi friends

This - right now - is such an important moment to pause and reflect. We are encouraged to make new year's resolutions - we know how those go. We often choose to make resolutions: to work out, to diet, even to meditate - that are rooted in the misperception that we will somehow be better - a new improved version of ourselves - if only ... These "resolutions" are actually often rooted in aversion, rather than care.

This is an important time to reflect - what is it that we truly value? Do we have the skills and support to live our lives in alignment with what is most dear to us? Not in the service of self improvement. Rather in the service of love and care - for ourselves and for the world in which we live.

I was recently interviewed by Precious Fondren of the Gothamist for an article about how to keep resolutions to meditate in the new year. Let me know what you think.

I leave you with this poem by W.S. Merwin

To Waiting

You spend so much of your time
expecting to become
someone else
always someone
who will be different
someone to whom a moment
whatever moment it may be
at last has come
and who has been
met and transformed
into no longer being you
and so has forgotten you

meanwhile in your life
you hardly notice
the world around you
lights changing
sirens dying along the buildings
your eyes intent
on a sight you do not see yet
not yet there
as long as you
are only yourself

with whom as you
recall you were
never happy
to be left alone for long
