Hybrid: Investigating the Three Characteristics of Existence
to Apr 21

Hybrid: Investigating the Three Characteristics of Existence

  • New York Insight Meditation Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mondays, March 17th - April 21st (skip April 14th)
9:30am – 11:30am ET

These days, the world feels more precarious than ever—political divisions are deepening, the climate crisis is intensifying, wars are proliferating, and the foundations of democracy appear more fragile than ever.

In times of such uncertainty, we often reflexively cling to our identities, opinions, and the need for control. But this grasping—whether to a sense of self, certainty, or the way we think things should be—only intensifies our suffering.

Investigating the Buddha’s teachings on anatta (not-self), anicca (impermanence), and dukkha (suffering) offer a path to navigating this intensity with more clarity and resilience.

In this in-person and online course,we will explore how these teachings apply to our lives and the challenges we face today.

Find out more and register here.

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In-Person and Online: Practicing in the Midst of Conflict with Stephen Fulder
10:00 AM10:00

In-Person and Online: Practicing in the Midst of Conflict with Stephen Fulder

  • New York Insight Meditation Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I hope you will join Jon Aaron and me as we support Stephen Fulder during this important event. Register here.

These are times of uncertainty. It is easy to respond to the many conflicts around the world with anger, confusion, despair, or to even switch off our emotions. We may also be experiencing conflict and divisiveness closer to home, and we can often feel exhausted from what feels like an endless struggle.

During this 3-hour mini-retreat, we will explore how to face these challenges with steadiness, from a more universal and less personal point of view. We will practice meditation that helps us to remember our big soul, and listen to our wise, kind, and liberating inner voices.

Particular emphasis will be given to dharma practice and meditation needed to develop deep inner resources such as trust and equanimity. Teacher Stephen Fulder will discuss his years of experience in leading peacemaking activities in Israel and Palestine, focusing on how to work with our views and those of others who may be against us, as well as how to engage tirelessly in making a difference.

During this event, Stephen Fulder will be joining us via zoom and New York Insight Teachers Jon Aaron and Elaine Retholtz will be facilitating in-person.

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Register now! Obstacles to Practice: Exploring the Five Hindrances - In Person!
to Aug 7

Register now! Obstacles to Practice: Exploring the Five Hindrances - In Person!

  • New York Insight Meditation Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This course will offer an opportunity to explore how to practice with and understand the five hindrances (desire and aversion, sleepiness, restlessness and doubt in our formal meditation practice as well as in our daily lives so that they can be skillfully abandoned. 

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Online: What's Vedanā got to do with it?
to May 13

Online: What's Vedanā got to do with it?

Mondays, April 1st – May 13th (skip April 29th), 2024 | 9:30am-11:30am ET

Vedanā refers to the immediate feeling tone of pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral that arises in every moment of contact. The Buddha emphasized the importance of being mindful of vedanā, as it is a key link in Dependent Arising and the generation of suffering or liberation.

And yet, as poet Tom Hennen wrote: “But usually [these moments] just pass, mostly unnoticed, unless they are wildly nice, like autumn ones full of red maple trees and hazy sunlight, or if they are grimly awful ones in a winter blizzard that kills the lost traveler and bunches of cattle.”

In this course we will investigate our personal experience of vedanā, the role it plays in fueling craving and aversion, and the deeply ethical implications it has for our views, biases, and motivations for harm.

Registration is open!

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 In-Person and Online: Insight OUT Refuge – LGBTQI Sangha through New York Insight Meditation Center
6:30 PM18:30

In-Person and Online: Insight OUT Refuge – LGBTQI Sangha through New York Insight Meditation Center

I’ll be guiding Insight OUT Refuge on November 27th.

This is a practice group for LGBTQI practitioners. It is a hybrid event. Note: if you want to attend in person, please register as there is limited space. All practice groups in November will be centering on the theme silā - or ethical conduct. We'll see where we go with this (ie I haven't decided yet!) I hope to see you!

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Online: Investigating the Three Characteristics of Existence
to Nov 13

Online: Investigating the Three Characteristics of Existence

  • Google Calendar ICS

Mondays, Oct. 16th – Nov. 13th, 2023 | 9:30am – 11:30am ET

The Buddha’s teaching of anatta (not self) is too often misunderstood. In exploring the characteristic of not self, we begin by exploring our views of the self. The Buddha never said there is no self. However nothing we typically relate to as self (body, thoughts, memories, views, emotions, relationships, possessions, etc.) can be relied upon to last and to continue to satisfy. We will investigate the various levels of selfing and its relationship to clinging.

We’ve all experienced impermanence (anicca) first hand in our lives, and would not intellectually challenge that things change. However deeply practicing and investigating anicca has implications for how we choose to live our lives

The Buddha said “I teach one thing and one thing only, Dukkha and the end of Dukkha.”  After laying the groundwork through investigation of Anatta and Anicca, we are ready to explore the three kinds of Dukkha.

Find out more and register.

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